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28Lab becomes a bridge
between Japan and the world through great videos.

28Lab is a viral video licensing company based in Tokyo, Japan, founded in 2013 by Kei Oumawatari. Kei, after traveling in Canada and Australia for a year each, has a carrer as a viral video researcher / acquisition manager for 5 years. Then he worked in an agency handling stock photos and videos. He continuously attends to international markets, such as MIPCOM, NATPE, ATF, TIFFCOM, MY CONTENT etc. Through above experience, he gained skills in researching videos, rights acquisition, and knowledge in archiving and copyright laws.

While working at agencies above, he realized only a handful of Japanese videos are out in the international market, in spite of great resources of valuable videos waiting to be found. Most of Japanese creators haven’t realized how valuable their contents can be. And also realized that the language has been always a barrier in marketing Japanese Market for the clients. Then found out, Japanese Market and the international Market has been distanced for long while.

He also found that many of foreign companies are straggling to find clients in Japan,
then he started representing their contents to help their sales in Japanese Market.

We, 28Lab, promise to become a bridge between Japan and the world through great videos.


Help clip sales in Japan

Japanese market is quite unique and is sometimes difficult to work together because of language and a cultural difference. We have strong connections with major TV channels in Japan, also productions and researching companies who are always looking for viral videos from all around the world.

We will help pitching your clips to them and help making more sales in Japan.

Clips from Japan for overseas media

We represent viral videos from Japan to the international market. Our videos have been shown in major TV channels worldwide, such as Discovery Channel, MTV, Channel 4 etc… 28lab takes away the language barriers by negotiating as a representative of rights holders or clients.

Research & Sourcing

When you find great viral videos from Japan but no idea who to contact, please contact us. We help you searching for original rights holders, find their contact, and negotiate if needed.

Filming original stories

We go filming around Japan and introduce quirky and funny side of Japan both in video and picture.


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Tokyo, Japan