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空から降ってきたのはサルMonkey crashes through car sunroof then swaggers away like nothing happened











This is the shocking moment a monkey crashed through a car sunroof - then swaggered away as if nothing had happened.
The primate leapt onto resident Mukesh Jaiswal's parked black vehicle and plunged through the roof causing the glass to shatter.
Footage shows the animal climbing on top of the car and walking away on the other side of the road in Uttar Pradesh, India, on November 19.
Mukesh said he was told by neighbours what had happened but he did not believe them.
'I was shocked when I checked the CCTV,' he said.
'The damage was actually caused by a monkey. The animal just jumped from the roof of the building onto my car. He landed on the sun roof which could not withstand the impact.
'Fortunately the cameras captured the whole incident.'
Monkeys are common in the area, and there have been reports of them taking items and even barging into homes in search of food.
The forest department has deployed an animal rescue team to capture monkeys in the region.
Like other animals, they attack when they feel threatened. Risks from monkey bites include serious wound infections, the herpes B virus, and rabies.