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網を使って凍った湖から犬を救出Gardeners throw net to pet dog to make epic escape from frozen lake











This is the dramatic moment gardeners threw a net to a pet dog to help it make an epic escape from a frozen lake.
Ms Li spotted the black canine falling into an ice hole as it ran on the icy surface in Shandong, China, on January 18.
This prompted the concerned woman to call neighbours to help retrieve the hapless animal as it struggled to break free from being stuck in the frigid water.
Footage shows the farmers tossing the net pole attached to a rope to rescue the frightened dog.
The rod can be seen landing in front of the pooch, who then immediately clung onto it. They then hoisted the pole with the dog tightly hanging on to it, successfully removing the animal from the freezing water.
The animal did not sustain any serious injuries from the incident.
Ms Li said: 'Everyone around was thinking of ways to help, and it took about half an hour to rescue the dog. We dried its fur and made him comfortably warm so that it won't get sick.'